I just love noisey projects!!A pic 32 music box.Usung software dds, wavetable synthesis and pwm as digital-analog converter.#picmicro #pic32 #music #musicbox #noisey #dds #wavetable #synthesizer #surfmusic #electronics #electronic #lm386 #amplifier #microcontroller #microchip #dac #pwm

I just love noisey projects!!A pic 32 music box.Usung software dds, wavetable synthesis and pwm as digital-analog converter.#picmicro #pic32 #music #musicbox #noisey #dds #wavetable #synthesizer #surfmusic #electronics #electronic #lm386 #amplifier #microcontroller #microchip #dac #pwm

Another prototype of my candle simulator, now whit a small boost converter and batteries.#candle #simulator #soldering #pic12f683 #programming #c #microcontroller #electronics #diy #breadboard #prototype #programming #c #electronic #electricalengineering #ee #mplab #pickit3 #picmicro #pcb #arduino #buckboost #boostconverter #candlesimulator

Another prototype of my candle simulator, now whit a small boost converter and batteries.#candle #simulator #soldering #pic12f683 #programming #c #microcontroller #electronics #diy #breadboard #prototype #programming #c #electronic #electricalengineering #ee #mplab #pickit3 #picmicro #pcb #arduino #buckboost #boostconverter #candlesimulator